Sense8, Netflix's original show by the Wachowski siblings has the greatest amount of diversity I have seen on a show in YEARS!!! Does that make the show awesome? No. But it does make the show instantly more appealing to me as a geek PoC.
The other day, my wife and I caught the first episode and it was good (not great) and the tweet went out about how we liked it. Then someone who I respect and whose work I love asked me why I liked it. He said the acting was rough and the script was full of "high school morality crap." (I told you, this guy is good.)
I've got to say, I think all of what he critiqued is true, but I also think the show was good, which of course I can say from my lofty position of having watched one episode so far. (Hey, any parent of a toddler knows starting a new TV show is a luxury and comes with limits!) While it was messy at times, I thought the first episode proved itself with some really interesting moments between the characters, and displayed a lot of potential in the concept.
I'm going to pull out my Babylon 5 test, which means I will give it one full season. Most genre shows need a season to find their footing and sometimes it's a matter of if you like the hook. I love the hook, the diversity, and I am neutral on the Wachowskis. So, by all accounts, that means I better find some time during my kid's nap schedule to catch the rest of Season 1.